12 John Stockton
12 - John Stockton
Height: 6-2
Year: Freshman
Hometown: Middlesex, NJ
High School: Middlesex
Position: Guard

About John:

Middlesex, NJ native played three years of basketball at Middlesex High School ... played in the GMC All Star Game in high school ... majors in special education and dreams of becoming a teacher ...  part he likes most about Lesley Univeristy is the basketball team.

Ten Questions:

Favorite Song: Eye of the Tiger

If I won $100,000,000, I would: Buy a house and give the rest away

Greatest influence in my life has been: My grandfather, John Tirney

Favorite Television Show: Sports Center

Favorite Professional Team(s): Utah Jazz, New York Jets, New York Yankees

Quote to live by: "The true test of a man's character is what he does when no one is watching"

Favorite Website: Espn.com

Place I'd Like to visit: China

Reality show I belong on & why: Survivor because I have a winning strategy

Favorite Athlete(s): Kevin Durant, John Stockton