Lesley University Center of Yoga


Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Basement of Stebbins Hall (formerly the fitness center)

Tuesdays, 7 p.m. (Starting Feb. 7, 2012)


Drop-in attendance. Open to Lesley students, staff and faculty.
Undergraduate student rate: Free (with valid student ID)
Graduate students, faculty & staff: $5

CONTACT: Any questions can be e-mailed to yoga@lesley.edu


Yoga is a vast system of discipline, self-reflection, and letting go of detrimental physical, mental and psychological behavior patterns. The Sanskrit word yoga means "union". Taken in its most literal sense, this refers to union between the body and the mind. Thus, many who explore yoga as a way to sweat find that it also calms their mind. And those who are drawn to it to relieve mental stress discover increased levels of physical energy and mobility. There are many ways to practice yoga. Among the most popular today is hatha yoga, the practice of postures. A typical yoga class begins with quiet centering, moves into the active part of class, and then winds down with deep relaxation. Among its many benefits, yoga:

  • Tones muscles and improves alignment
  • Builds strength, flexibility and confidence
  • Reduces stress and fosters a sense of peacefulness and well-being

• Classes are either 60+ minutes
• Practice class on an empty stomach
• Bring a large water, large towel and yoga mat
• Dress to sweat
• You should drink plenty of water everyday, throughout the day. This is better than just drinking water before or during class.
• Studio open 30 minutes before and after each class.


Maria Taesil Hudson